Viquilletra 2017-18. Una Viquilletra de tràiler!

Tots els missatges del sistema

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apihelp-main-param-maxlag (Discussió) (Tradueix) Maximum lag can be used when MediaWiki is installed on a database replicated cluster. To save actions causing any more site replication lag, this parameter can make the client wait until the replication lag is less than the specified value. In case of excessive lag, error code <samp>maxlag</samp> is returned with a message like <samp>Waiting for $host: $lag seconds lagged</samp>.<br />See [[mw:Manual:Maxlag_parameter|Manual: Maxlag parameter]] for more information.
apihelp-main-param-origin (Discussió) (Tradueix) When accessing the API using a cross-domain AJAX request (CORS), set this to the originating domain. This must be included in any pre-flight request, and therefore must be part of the request URI (not the POST body). This must match one of the origins in the <code>Origin</code> header exactly, so it has to be set to something like <kbd></kbd> or <kbd></kbd>. If this parameter does not match the <code>Origin</code> header, a 403 response will be returned. If this parameter matches the <code>Origin</code> header and the origin is whitelisted, an <code>Access-Control-Allow-Origin</code> header will be set.
apihelp-main-param-requestid (Discussió) (Tradueix) Any value given here will be included in the response. May be used to distinguish requests.
apihelp-main-param-servedby (Discussió) (Tradueix) Include the hostname that served the request in the results.
apihelp-main-param-smaxage (Discussió) (Tradueix) Set the <code>s-maxage</code> header to this many seconds. Errors are never cached.
apihelp-main-param-uselang (Discussió) (Tradueix) Language to use for message translations. A list of codes may be fetched from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+siteinfo|action=query&meta=siteinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>siprop=languages</kbd>, or specify <kbd>user</kbd> to use the current user's language preference, or specify <kbd>content</kbd> to use this wiki's content language.
apihelp-managetags-description (Discussió) (Tradueix) Perform management tasks relating to change tags.
apihelp-managetags-example-activate (Discussió) (Tradueix) Activate a tag named <kbd>spam</kbd> with the reason <kbd>For use in edit patrolling</kbd>
apihelp-managetags-example-create (Discussió) (Tradueix) Create a tag named <kbd>spam</kbd> with the reason <kbd>For use in edit patrolling</kbd>
apihelp-managetags-example-deactivate (Discussió) (Tradueix) Deactivate a tag named <kbd>spam</kbd> with the reason <kbd>No longer required</kbd>
apihelp-managetags-example-delete (Discussió) (Tradueix) Delete the <kbd>vandlaism</kbd> tag with the reason <kbd>Misspelt</kbd>
apihelp-managetags-param-ignorewarnings (Discussió) (Tradueix) Whether to ignore any warnings that are issued during the operation.
apihelp-managetags-param-operation (Discussió) (Tradueix) Which operation to perform: ;create:Create a new change tag for manual use. ;delete:Remove a change tag from the database, including removing the tag from all revisions, recent change entries and log entries on which it is used. ;activate:Activate a change tag, allowing users to apply it manually. ;deactivate:Deactivate a change tag, preventing users from applying it manually.
apihelp-managetags-param-reason (Discussió) (Tradueix) An optional reason for creating, deleting, activating or deactivating the tag.
apihelp-managetags-param-tag (Discussió) (Tradueix) Tag to create, delete, activate or deactivate. For tag creation, the tag must not exist. For tag deletion, the tag must exist. For tag activation, the tag must exist and not be in use by an extension. For tag deactivation, the tag must be currently active and manually defined.
apihelp-move-description (Discussió) (Tradueix) Move a page.
apihelp-move-example-move (Discussió) (Tradueix) Move <kbd>Badtitle</kbd> to <kbd>Goodtitle</kbd> without leaving a redirect.
apihelp-move-param-from (Discussió) (Tradueix) Title of the page to rename. Cannot be used together with <var>$1fromid</var>.
apihelp-move-param-fromid (Discussió) (Tradueix) Page ID of the page to rename. Cannot be used together with <var>$1from</var>.
apihelp-move-param-ignorewarnings (Discussió) (Tradueix) Ignore any warnings.
apihelp-move-param-movesubpages (Discussió) (Tradueix) Rename subpages, if applicable.
apihelp-move-param-movetalk (Discussió) (Tradueix) Rename the talk page, if it exists.
apihelp-move-param-noredirect (Discussió) (Tradueix) Don't create a redirect.
apihelp-move-param-reason (Discussió) (Tradueix) Reason for the rename.
apihelp-move-param-to (Discussió) (Tradueix) Title to rename the page to.
apihelp-move-param-unwatch (Discussió) (Tradueix) Remove the page and the redirect from the current user's watchlist.
apihelp-move-param-watch (Discussió) (Tradueix) Add the page and the redirect to the current user's watchlist.
apihelp-move-param-watchlist (Discussió) (Tradueix) Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch.
apihelp-no-such-module (Discussió) (Tradueix) No s'ha trobat el mòdul "$1".
apihelp-none-description (Discussió) (Tradueix) Output nothing.
apihelp-opensearch-description (Discussió) (Tradueix) Search the wiki using the OpenSearch protocol.
apihelp-opensearch-example-te (Discussió) (Tradueix) Find pages beginning with <kbd>Te</kbd>.
apihelp-opensearch-param-format (Discussió) (Tradueix) The format of the output.
apihelp-opensearch-param-limit (Discussió) (Tradueix) Maximum number of results to return.
apihelp-opensearch-param-namespace (Discussió) (Tradueix) Namespaces to search.
apihelp-opensearch-param-redirects (Discussió) (Tradueix) How to handle redirects: ;return:Return the redirect itself. ;resolve:Return the target page. May return fewer than $1limit results. For historical reasons, the default is "return" for $1format=json and "resolve" for other formats.
apihelp-opensearch-param-suggest (Discussió) (Tradueix) Do nothing if <var>[[mw:Manual:$wgEnableOpenSearchSuggest|$wgEnableOpenSearchSuggest]]</var> is false.
apihelp-opensearch-param-warningsaserror (Discussió) (Tradueix) If warnings are raised with <kbd>format=json</kbd>, return an API error instead of ignoring them.
apihelp-options-description (Discussió) (Tradueix) Change preferences of the current user. Only options which are registered in core or in one of installed extensions, or options with keys prefixed with "userjs-" (intended to be used by user scripts), can be set.
apihelp-options-example-change (Discussió) (Tradueix) Change <kbd>skin</kbd> and <kbd>hideminor</kbd> preferences.
apihelp-options-example-complex (Discussió) (Tradueix) Reset all preferences, then set <kbd>skin</kbd> and <kbd>nickname</kbd>.
apihelp-options-example-reset (Discussió) (Tradueix) Reset all preferences.
apihelp-options-param-change (Discussió) (Tradueix) List of changes, formatted name=value (e.g. skin=vector). Value cannot contain pipe characters. If no value is given (not even an equals sign), e.g., optionname|otheroption|..., the option will be reset to its default value.
apihelp-options-param-optionname (Discussió) (Tradueix) A name of a option which should be set to the value given by <var>$1optionvalue</var>.
apihelp-options-param-optionvalue (Discussió) (Tradueix) A value of the option specified by <var>$1optionname</var>, can contain pipe characters.
apihelp-options-param-reset (Discussió) (Tradueix) Resets preferences to the site defaults.
apihelp-options-param-resetkinds (Discussió) (Tradueix) List of types of options to reset when the <var>$1reset</var> option is set.
apihelp-paraminfo-description (Discussió) (Tradueix) Obtain information about API modules.
apihelp-paraminfo-example-1 (Discussió) (Tradueix) Show info for <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/parse|action=parse]]</kbd>, <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/jsonfm|format=jsonfm]]</kbd>, <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+allpages|action=query&list=allpages]]</kbd>, and <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+siteinfo|action=query&meta=siteinfo]]</kbd>.
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